An inactive order. It is not a tradable order unless user activates the order, place to the market. 无效指示。表示预先输入的交易指示,除非将此指令生效否则不会递交给市场。
The government as the manager of the land market and the excessive control will cause the inactive of land market. 城市政府作为土地市场的管理者,政府的过度控制将会导致土地市场不活跃;
At present, the domestic market of consumption is inactive yet. There are many reasons for it, such as Chinese traditional model of consumption, defects in a system of market, inadequate income and so on. 近几年来,我国消费需求市场一直处于低迷状态,其原因是多方面的,如中国传统的消费模式、市场体系缺陷及收入不足等。
Someone think, despite fair value has many advantages, but it has no feasibility under the inactive market condition of our country. 有人认为,公允价值虽然有种种好处,但是在我国现在不活跃的市场条件下是不具有可行性的。
In fact, using fair value do not surly need active market condition. Using the way of assets evaluation may confirm fair value of assets that are inactive in the market. 事实上,公允价值的确定并不一定需要活跃的市场条件,采用资产评估的方法可以确定不活跃于市场的资产的公允价值。